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Setting Features

Show If

Controlling the visibility of components is manageable, depending on other component values. You can control when to show or hide them in your component settings.json. Here is how:

"xx": "yy", // it mean if xx field value is yy show this component
"xx": ["yy","zz"] // it mean if xx is yy or zz show this component

So if all the instructions you provided go as planned, the components will appear on your chart. Otherwise, they will remain hidden.


When you are satisfied with the component values, use this option to let you change other component values.

{ // // settings.json => group => rows => component
"$me = first": {
"xx": "new value"
"$me = second": {
"xx": "other value"
} // = , != operators supported even you can use && for two condition in same line

Collapse Row

This will wrap the components into a collapsed row, which you can see in the header and footer style options, for example.

{ // settings.json => group => row
"name": "Style",
"collapse": true,
"collapse_is_open": true // default is false